TCH Annual Conference

Conference Program

The Clearing House Annual Conference, which features keynote speakers and more than twenty in-depth panel discussions, is designed to deepen attendees' understanding of the changing landscapes in financial services, payments, and policy.

Advancing Banking and Payments in the Digital Age Track
Shaping Policy in Banking and Payments Track

The Annual Conference program includes the following topics:

Plenary Sessions
Market Perspectives on the State of the Industry: Where are We Now?
CEO Roundtable Panel on the Business of Banking
Breakout Panel Sessions
Payments Advancing Banking and Payments in the Digital Age Track Regulatory Shaping Policy in Banking and Payments Track
Waging the War on Fraud and Scams in Banking and Payments Whose Business Judgment? The Intersection of Regulation, Independent Risk Management, and Innovation
Real-Time Payments: Transforming Everyday Life Navigating the Payments Fraud Policy Maze: Common Interests and Different Approaches of Legislatures, Government Authorities and the Private Sector
The Emerging Future of Open Banking: The Impacts of New Regulation, Use Cases and Business Models Public-Private Competition: Perspectives on Stablecoins, Tokenized Deposits, and the Digital Currency
When Quantum Computing Meets AI & Other Innovations Driving Change in Banking and Payments Trends in Banking Supervision & Enforcement
Customer Centricity: Using Insights to Innovate The Impact of the Supreme Court on the Banking Sector: A Look Back and a Look Ahead
Going Global: New Developments in Instant Cross-Border Payments The Road Ahead for Consumer Financial Services Regulation and Enforcement: From the CFPB to the State AGs
Built to Last: Opportunities, Challenges and The Future of Core Payments Rails In the Absence of AI Regulation, Why are There so Many Hurdles to Its Use?
How Data is Revolutionizing Payments and Banking Convergence and Divergence – The Banking Sector of the Future

Full program and schedule to be announced.